Customer Record Questions (MOVRS)
  1. When I search for a customer using the last name, sometimes customers with different last names appear in the search results. Why?

    Search results return all vehicles or customers who currently or have in the past matched the search parameters you enter. For example, if a customer named Jane Smith gets married and changes her name to Jane Carlson, she will still be included in a search on the name Jane Smith. Her name, however, would appear in the search results as her current name, Jane Carlson.

  2. When I search for a customer, search results don’t always come up, even though I know the customer is in the database and I know I have spelled the name correctly. Why?

    If you put a space before or after the customer’s name on the Search window, the customer record will not be found. Make sure you enter the search parameters as they appear in the database and that there are no incorrectly placed spaces in the search parameters you entered.

  3. If I find duplicate customer records, how should I merge them together?

    Duplicate customer records are merged by a batch process. Before the customer records are merged, the merge customer candidate list is reviewed by local offices around the State. For more information on merging customer records, see Merging customer records.