Electronic Signature and Document Imaging Questions
  1. What transactions in MOVRS require an Electronic Signature for in-person transaction?

    The following list of MOVRS transactions will support in-person signature capture functionality:

    • Add/Release Security Interest

    • Issue Title/Registration

    • Issue Salvage Title

    • Issue Permit

    • Issue Junking Certificate

    • Issue Non-Transferable Registration

    • Manage Special Interest Collector Number

    • Manage Permit

    • Order Special Plate

    • Registration Renewal

    • Refund Registration

    • Reinstate Registration

    • Renew EZ Registration

    • Replace Title

    • Reprint Registration

    • Update Registration

  2. How do I initiate the Electronic Signature functionality?
    1. Select the Capture Signature button during a MOVRS transaction.
    2. Select the vested party(s) on the Electronic User Interface window.
    3. Provide the customer(s) with the legal affirmation to read and prompt (each) customer to sign the signature pad.
    4. Select the Save button after the customer reads and signs the signature pad.
  3. How do I initiate Document Imaging?

    When processing a MOVRS transaction, the system user might be requested to collect documents from the customer. Upon collection, documents have to be scanned by the system user who has the option to scan the documents immediately or at a later time. A system user may scan documents at any time during the course of the transaction before the Payment has been processed.

    To scan documents immediately:

    1. Check documents as received when processing a MOVRS transaction and click Scan Now on the Document tab.
    2. The MVS system initiates the Scan Wizard. When the Scan Wizard launches you will be requested to feed documents, one by one, into the scanner.
    3. When the scanning process is complete, the Scan Wizard closes and returns control to the MVS system.
    4. The system disables the Scan Now capabilities once scanning is complete. Any additional scanning will be done via Scan Later or through post transaction scanning.