Security Interest Questions
  1. Can I update the name on a customer record even if there is a security interest on the title and the title cannot be updated?

    Yes. The history of the customer’s old name is saved with the customer record. You can also use the title snapshot feature if you need to verify the name on the title.

  2. How do I monitor my county's SI application status?

    Periodically, someone in your county should review the open SI applications.

    1. On the VRT menu, click SI Application > Manage Application.
    2. Search for active SI applications.
    3. Research any items that have been outstanding for several months.
  3. How do I record a security interest application for a vehicle I do not have on the system?
    1. On the VRT menu, click SI Application > Add SI Application.
    2. Enter the SI holder ID # (FEIN), the VIN of the vehicle, and the customer ID (driver license number or Social Security Number).

      Tip: If you do not have the FEIN of the SI holder, enter 999 to trigger the customer search function and then enter the customer name as a search parameter.

    3. Click Continue.
    4. If the customer or vehicle is not found, the Search window appears.
    5. To find the customer, enter specific search parameters and double-click the customer you want.
    6. If you need to add the vehicle, click Add Vehicle and enter as much vehicle information as you can to the vehicle record. If the VIN is valid, VINA should populate most of the vehicle information. Save the vehicle.
    7. On the SI Application window, confirm that the target county is your county.
    8. Add any comments that will help you locate the application once the ownership transaction is complete.
    9. Click Pay Now and complete the payment as normal.

      This process deposits the $10.00 into an escrow account for the bank.

  4. How do I record a security interest application for a vehicle that I do have on file but where the ownership has not yet transferred? (That is, you have received the SI application before the title and registration application.)
    1. On the VRT menu, click SI Application > Add SI Application.
    2. Enter the SI holder ID # (FEIN), the VIN of the vehicle, and the customer ID (driver license number or Social Security Number).

      TIP: If you do not have the FEIN of the SI holder, enter 999 to trigger the customer search function and then enter the customer name as a search parameter.

    3. Click Continue.
    4. If the customer or vehicle is not found, the Search window appears.
    5. To find the customer, enter specific search parameters and double-click the customer you want.
    6. If multiple vehicles are found, double-click the vehicle you want.
    7. On the SI Application window, confirm that the target county is your county.
    8. Add any comments that will help you locate the application once the ownership transaction is complete.
    9. Click Pay Now and complete the payment as normal.

      This process deposits the $10.00 into an escrow account for the bank.

    10. On the VRT menu, click SI Application > Manage SI Application and find the SI application to confirm that it has been recorded.
  5. How do I record the payment of an SI application that has been previously paid?
    1. Begin the title and registration transaction as normal.
    2. If there is an outstanding SI application for this vehicle and/or customer, the SI Application Search Results window appears after the prequalifier. Click Apply next to the SI application you want.

      This step adds the security interest to the transaction.

      Important: Update any the vehicle information and/or previous owner information if anything is missing or incomplete before completing the title and registration transaction.

    3. When you finish entering transaction information, click Pay Now.
    4. On the Payment Manager - Statement window, record two payment types: one that reflects that payment that was sent in with the title and registration application and one that is from the escrow account of the SI holder.
    5. Process the payment normally.
    6. To confirm that the SI application is no longer outstanding, on the VRT menu, click SI Application > Manage SI Application and search for the SI application.

      There should not be an entry in the list for the vehicle you processed.