The 3MTM MVS Suite offers several buttons and icons that you can use to initiate actions, move to the next task, access information, or open windows.
Common icons in the 3MTM MVS Suite
Icon |
Name |
Function |
Add Items |
Allows the addition of elements, components, or records. Clicking this icon often creates a new row where you can add new information. |
Calculator |
Depending on the window, either opens a calculator tool or opens the Finance - Product Calculator window. |
Clear |
Empties values in fields, allowing the user to start over. |
Clipboard |
Opens the receipt queue and generates saved receipts. |
Close |
Primarily closes windows that are open, usually without saving any data that the user might have entered. |
Customer Exception |
Opens the Exception Case Maintenance window to display the current and past exceptions on a customer's record. |
Discretionary Edit |
Appears on the Error Worksheet window. You can fix the error on the screen, click Auto Approve if you have the permission, or submit the error for approval. Click to determine whether the error exists on the active window. See Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings. |
Down |
Moves a selected record or row lower in a list, or opens a drop-down list. |
Ellipsis (large or small) |
Opens a search tool or window you use to locate and select files or records. |
Expand |
Opens a list of subordinate topics or files in a hierarchical structure. |
Export |
Sends the data to an application outside of the system. Often also allows you to specify a name and location for the exported file. |
Filter |
Allows you to view the formula used to create an inquiry summary. |
Form Error |
Appears on the Error Worksheet window. Indicates an error that must be corrected before the transaction can be completed. Click to determine whether the error exists on the active window. See Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings. |
Go |
Initiates an action, which varies depending on the window on which it appears. For example, it:
Information |
Provides additional information during a transaction. Sometimes the information is provided in a rectangle on the window; sometimes you must hover over the icon with your mouse to see text. |
Minimize/ Maximize |
Changes the size of the window, from full screen to partial or from partial to full screen. |
Note |
Opens a window you use to add comments to the files for a customer. |
Open |
Loads the selected data, file, or record. |
Open for Edit |
Loads a record and provides a way to make changes to it. |
Padlock |
Indicates the record is locked and cannot be edited or changed. The system locks records when they exist for historical tracking purposes only, when they are pending, and so on. |
Page Setup |
Specifies page layout settings. Saved settings take effect the next time you print. |
Sends the open or selected data to a printer. |
Print Layout |
Toggles between viewing a receipt at 100% zoom and full page layout. |
Print Preview |
Opens a view of the data that shows how the data or file will appear in printed form. |
Print Receipt |
Opens a window that allows you to specify page layout and other settings, prior to printing a receipt. |
Refresh |
Updates the values on a window or in a table with the latest values in the system. |
Remove |
Removes selected items from a list or from being processed, such as documents or fee adjustments. |
Search |
Looks for and locates additional values or records. Sometimes it opens a window looks for specific values. For example, if it opens the Cash Drawer - Selection window, it seeks and lists cash drawers available to the user. |
Select |
Specifies or loads values or records. |
Stop Sign |
Indicates a form error or exception. Form errors must be resolved before the transaction can be processed. Exceptions should be resolved but can be overridden by an authorized user. |
Up |
Moves a selected record or row higher in a list. |
Verify |
Validates the existence of data in the system. For example, if you enter a customer ID number and click this button, the system checks to ensure that the ID number is a valid record in the database. |
Warning (red) |
Appears on the Error Worksheet window. The least significant type of error. You read the error message, but do not need to respond in any way. The system does not track these errors. Click to determine whether the error exists on the active window. See Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings. |
Warning (pink) |
Appears on the Error Worksheet window. The second least significant type of error. You can usually click Acknowledge and continue with the transaction. Click to determine whether the error exists on the active window. See Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings. |
Work Management Request Form |
Opens the Work Management Request Form window, in DRIVS, on which you request a review of a record. |