Plate Questions
  1. How do I assign a personalized plate from one customer vehicle to another?

    See Transferring a Plate from One Vehicle to Another.

  2. How to I assign a plate to a vehicle?

    Generally, when you process a title and registration, you should let the plate be assigned automatically from inventory. However, if you want to assign a specific plate from inventory, see Assigning a Specific Plate. If you want to transfer a plate, see Transferring a Plate from One Vehicle to Another.

  3. Can I assign a plate to my transaction even if it is not in my specific work location inventory?

    Yes. You can use Get Plate to manually assign any plate that is in your local office's inventory.

  4. How long are unclaimed personalized plate reservations retained?

    If a personalized plate is ordered but is not assigned to a vehicle, the personalized plate text shall remain reserved for that owner for 12 months after being received into inventory.

  5. Can you transfer a personalized plate to new owner without documentation?

    If, on an ownership transfer or Get Plate function, a personalized plate is involved that does not have a common owner on the new ownership, the system shall prevent the transaction from completing unless a personalized plate relinquishment document is captured as part of the transaction.

  6. Is there a fee for a personalized plate transfer to new owner when they have proper documentation?

    When a personalized plate is transferred from one owner to another, the system user has the ability to indicate that the Personalized Plate Application Fee should be charged via a check box.

  7. Is a person still eligible to reorder personalized plate text after background has been retired?

    After a personalized plate text background has been retired, if a customer does not apply for the same text under the new personalized plate background within 30 days after their registration expiration date, on the 31st day, the system shall allow that personalized text to be ordered by another customer.