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Suspending a Registration

You can suspend a registration in one of the following ways, as allowed by state regulations:

You can also complete the following supplemental procedure when you terminate a registration:

To suspend a registration
  1. On the VRT menu, select Registration Transactions > Suspend Registration.

    The Suspend Registration Prequalifier window appears.

  2. Enter the vehicle identification number or customer identification number and click Continue.

    Tip: If you do not know the vehicle or customer identification number, click Vehicle Search or Customer Search to open the Search window and find the vehicle or customer you want.

    When the vehicle record is identified, the Suspend Registration window appears.

    Note: If you entered a partial identification number or if the vehicle or customer you entered is not found, the Search window appears. For more information, see Entering Information on a Prequalifier Window.

  3. Next to Reason, click the reason for the suspension.
  4. Click Commit.

    The registration is suspended and the window closes.