Glossary of Terms


American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators. A tax-exempt, nonprofit organization striving to develop model programs in motor vehicle administration, police traffic services and highway safety. The association serves as an information clearinghouse for these same disciplines, and acts as the international spokesman for these interests. See for details.

account group

See AG.


A user with special permissions who is responsible for system set up and maintenance.


Account Group. A designation of a group of accounts of like type, such as a group's cash drawer accounts.


3MTM Accounting Transaction Money Manager (ATMM). An application that provides cash drawer and financial components. ATMM can be directly integrated with MOVRS and DRIVS.

authenticated customer

A customer with a driver's license or non-operator ID for whom identifying documents, such as Social Security Number and birth certificate, have been verified.

cash drawer

The ATMM component that processes financial transactions, allowing for customers to pay for services. The Cash Drawer is a system representation of the physical cash drawer being used by the user over the course of the work day. The agent starts the day by funding the physical cash drawer with a certain amount of cash, with an identical amount added to the system Cash Drawer.

As the user receives cash, checks, or credit card payments throughout the day, the corresponding transactions are entered in the system Cash Drawer. At the end of the day, the physical cash drawer is reconciled and emptied, either by transferring the contents to another physical cash drawer, or by taking the contents to a vault or the bank. These end-of-day activities have corresponding procedures in the system Cash Drawer. See also finance for the other component of ATMM in the Cash Drawer and Finance online help.


The main window of the application. The console is also called the 3M MVS Console.


The function of rolling-up or merging revenue, from low-level general ledger (GL) account entries into one or more higher-level GL accounts. For example, at the end of the day or month, an office might report revenue collections from the local to the state level. This could be accomplished by consolidating the local office revenue (GL accounts) via the ATMM consolidation function, which would roll-up the GL account entries to the state-level GL accounts.


An interaction with a customer; includes all conversations, email messages, telephone calls, mail, letters, and other interactions with a customer.


A person, firm, company, or an organization that exists in the system database. Customers are shared for all products that run in the 3M MVS Console. For example, one customer might have a vehicle title and registration, a driver's license, and a motor carrier account.

customer group

A means to relate customers to each other. There are three primary types of group: financial group, merged customer group, and family group. Customer groups are often used in reporting, while lists are often used in transactions.

customer list

A means to relate customers who can be processed under a common business function, such as mailing, preferred customers, and security interest holders. Customer groups are often used in reporting, while lists are often used in transactions.


Complete Vehicle Identification Number Analysis. A VIN-validating database that is updated and maintained by a private company (the same company that provides the VINA database). The database is accessible for subscribers only, who are primarily government agencies. Besides VIN validation, CVINA also provides vehicle descriptions, GVW, and other specifications. Some data in CVINA begins in 1981, and the GVW data begins in 1992.

Both MOVRS and CTRAMS can include a VINA prefix file that automatically populates some of the description fields for a vehicle.

data filter

A means of filtering or limiting data in some search result lists based on a specific value in a specific column. Data columns by which you can filter appear with a drop-down list in the column header.

data group

A means of grouping data in some lists based on the values in a specific column. To group a list, drag the column by which you want to group into the area at the top of the window labeled "Drag a column heading here to group by that column."

data sort

A means of sorting data in some lists in either ascending or descending order based on the values in a specific column. To sort a list, click the arrow in the column heading by which you want to sort.


A customer that has any type of dealer license, such as a franchise dealer license or used car dealer license.

dealer license

Any type of license managed by the 3MTM Dealer Licensing and Registration Solution (DLRS).

discretionary edit

A data entry error triggered when the information entered on a transaction window does not conform to business rules. There are three courses of action a user can take when a discretionary edit appears:

For more information about errors, discretionary edits, warnings, and exceptions, see Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings, and Exception Management.


An error, also called a form error, is a hard stop that cannot be overridden, bypassed or approved. It must be fixed before the data can be saved or processed. Of all types of error messages, the form error is most significant. For more information about errors, see Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings in any 3MTM MVS Suite User Guide.

error worksheet

The window on which form errors, discretionary edits, and exceptions appear.

For more information about errors, see Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings and Exception Management.


A sanction, stop, or warning placed on a customer or vehicle by the user. For example, if a customer's check did not clear the bank, the user might assign an NSF exception to the customer. See Exception Management for additional information.


A feature that allows you to enter a shortcut code to access a function or transaction quickly and without using the menus.


The accounting component of ATMM that creates and manages bank accounts, creates journal entries for all financial activity, performs month-end consolidations, creates and manages escrow accounts, and processes fines, NSF transactions, and refunds. Wherever a transaction is processed in Cash Drawer, it has a corresponding Journal entry in the ATMM financial system that tracks the distribution of the products sold to the GL accounts where the money will be sent after consolidation. The Finance component of ATMM also provides a number of inquiries and reports. Finance functions are generally limited to people such as supervisors or treasurers. See also cash drawer for the other component of ATMM.

form error

An error triggered when required information is not entered on an input window or when information entered on an input window does not conform to data integrity rules.

hard stop

A hard stop is an error that cannot be bypassed or approved; it must be fixed before the data can be saved or processed. Also see stop. For more information about errors, see Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings.

internal message

A message sent to a public or personal queue, which appears on the Work Management Console. There are multiple types of internal messages: annotation, follow-up, forward, notification, personal, and tag requested.


An organization with power, right, or authority to interpret and apply the law. Or the limit or territory within which authority may be exercised. In AAMVAnet systems a motor vehicle agency or department of motor vehicles is referred to as a jurisdiction. Typically a state or territory of the United States or Province of Canada.


A physical site or place within each department office structure where transactions, processes, or inventory adjustments take place. For example, Window 1, Window 2, Back Office, and storeroom might be locations.


A user with special permissions who monitors system activity and generally supervises people who enter data into the system.


National Motor Vehicle Title Information System. The national database of vehicle title history information, which is used to validate the authenticity of surrendered titles.


Comments you can attach to some entities in the application, such as vehicles (MOVRS), customers (all applications), and dealer licenses (DLRS). Also called sticky notes.


Bypassing a warning or discretionary edit, which sometimes requires supervisory approval. Only a soft stop can be bypassed. For more information see Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings and Exception Management.


A person, firm, or corporation, other than a lienholder, holding legal title or interest to a vehicle.


An administrative or executive designation in a customer record associated with a dealer in a customer group.

prequalifier window

An initial window that appears at the beginning of many transactions. You use it to enter basic vehicle and customer information to initiate and pre-populate the subsequent transaction window.


The item or service sold to a customer in a transaction.

In MOVRS, a special license plate, registration titles, and records research are products.

In DRIVS, a driver's license and a non-operator ID card are products.

In ATMM, a product is anything provided to the customer that results in funds being entered into the ATMM system. Products include:


A configuration that determines your location, cash drawer, printers, and user options. You can have multiple profiles but only one can be active at a time.


A temporary holding area where data resides until it is processed. In 3M MVS Work Management, an area where internal messages are held. This is similar to a file directory or email inbox.

security interest

A lien on a vehicle.

security interest holder

Any customer that holds a security interest in a vehicle. A security interest holder can be either a regular customer (an individual or an organization) or a customer that has a designation in the system as a security interest holder. Customers who are designated as formal security interest holders have the Security Interest Holder check box selected on the General tab of the Customer Maintenance window.


A grouping of transactions onto the same statement, or a grouping of inventory items.


See security interest.

soft stop

A type of error that can be bypassed or overridden. See also stop.

For more information see Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings and Exception Management.


Social Security Online Verification. A nationwide driver's license fraud detection and prevention program used to verify social security information.


A stop is a type of exception intended to prevent the processing of a transaction. Usually, a stop requires special actions to proceed with the transaction. Authorized users can manually place a stop against a customer.

Stops come in two varieties:

For more information, see Adding an Exception, Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings and Exception Management in any 3MTM MVS Suite User Guide.


A user with special permissions who monitors system activity and generally supervises other users and agents.


The process of transferring funds from a cash drawer into another cash drawer or into a bank account in the form of a deposit.


A label attached to or associated with data. In Work Management, when users send supervisors requests to override discretionary edits, the supervisors tag the requests with Approve, Deny, Defer, and so on. See discretionary edit.

tag request

A message sent to a public or personal queue to request a tag to process a discretionary edit. A supervisor will tag (label) the request with Approve, Deny, Defer, and so on.


The interaction with a customer that includes the customer information, product purchased, and dollar amount owed. Records of transactions are preserved with statements.


A verification process that usually is initiated by clicking the Validate button on a transaction window. When you click Validate, the system checks the transaction information for errors, discretionary edits, and warnings. If any are found, the Error Worksheet window appears. If there are no data issues, the transaction is ready to be processed. When you click Pay Now, the system performs another automatic validation in case someone changed data on the window after the previous validation.


A device used to transport persons or property on a highway. Does not include devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon rails or tracks.


Vehicle Identification Number Analysis – A VIN-validating database that is updated and maintained by a private company (the same company that provides the CVINA database). The DB is accessible for subscribers only, who are primarily government agencies. Besides VIN validation, VINA also provides vehicle descriptions, GVW, and other specifications. The expanded version also allows the user to retrieve the original base price. Some data in VINA begins in 1966.

Both MOVRS and CTRAMS are capable of accessing VINA, and some description fields for the vehicle can be populated automatically.


An exception intended to notify a user of an issue, typically of a lower severity than a stop. A warning can be bypassed for a transaction to be processed. See Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings.


Work in Process. A list of transactions that were initiated but not completed.