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Requesting a Replacement Title

You can process a request for a replacement title for a title that has been altered, damaged, lost, or stolen. You can also request a replacement title for a security interest holder if that party requests a physical title (titles for vehicles with active security interests are normally electronic). When you replace a title for this reason, the system notes the title as no longer electronic. When you request the replacement, you can charge or waive the replacement title fee.

To request a replacement title
  1. On the VRT menu, select Title Transactions > Replace Title.

    The Replace Title Prequalifier window appears.

  2. Enter the vehicle identification number or title number and click Continue.

    Note: You must select a vehicle with an approved title to continue.

    When the vehicle or title that you entered is identified, the Replace Title window appears.

    Note: If you entered a partial identification number or if the vehicle or title you entered is not found, the Search window appears. For more information, see Entering Information on a Prequalifier Window.

  3. To charge a replacement title fee, select Charge Fee at the top of the Application tab.

    The system assesses a fee, viewable in the yellow box in the lower right corner or on the Fee Detail tab. To adjust the fee, click the Fee Detail tab, then click Add Adjustment, select a value from the Adjustment Reason list, and enter the amount of the adjustment.

  4. To expedite printing, select Priority Processing in the Title Information area.
  5. If the old title was surrendered, select Title Surrendered in the Application Data area.
  6. To mail the replacement title, select Mail Title To in the Application Data area.

    The title will be mailed to the address listed next to the Mail Title To check box. If this address is incorrect, select the Mailing tab and, in the Mailing Instructions area, select an appropriate value from the Mail To or Address Type list. If you select Other from the Mail To list, enter the new address information.

  7. To record the receipt of required documents, select the Documents tab and perform the following steps:
    1. Select the Received check box as well as either the Scanned or Scan Later check box for each document received.
    2. Click Scan to scan received documents immediately or Scan All Later to scan them later.

      If you opt to scan all documents later, the system generates a cover sheet at the end of this procedure that you can use as the initial page when you scan any of the documents for this transaction.

      Tip: For specific information about the individual fields on the window, press F1 in the window to open the online help or see Replace Title window.

  8. When you finish entering information, at the bottom of the Replace Title window, click Pay Now.

    MOVRS checks for errors. If you need help resolving errors, see Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings. When all errors are resolved or if no errors are found, the payment processing application opens.

    Note: For a list of other processing options, see Transaction Processing Options.

  9. Enter the payment information.

    Tip: If you need specific help with the cash drawer, see Processing a Payment in the in the Cash Drawer and Finance online help.

    After you finish processing the payment, the Finalize Transaction window appears.

  10. In the line of the transaction you completed, click Finalize.

    The Generate Credentials window appears.

  11. Click Generate.

    The documents produced in the transaction generate and print. The replacement title, when approved, is not subject to the discovery period used for normal titles but instead prints in the next batch print run (typically overnight) unless selected for immediate printing by an authorized user. For more information on immediate printing, see Printing an Approved Title.

    Note: If you finalize multiple transactions at once, credentials are generated automatically.