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Renewing a Single Registration through Standard Renewal

Use this procedure to update a registration that has penalties associated with it.

You can also complete the following supplemental procedures when you renew a registration through standard renewal:

To renew a registration through standard renewal
  1. On the VRT menu, select Registration Transactions > Registration Renewal.

    The Registration Renewal Prequalifier window appears.

  2. Enter the vehicle identification number or customer identification number and click Continue.

    Tip: If you do not know the vehicle or customer identification number, click Vehicle Search or Customer Search to open the Search window and find the vehicle or customer you want.

    When the vehicle record is identified, the Registration Renewal window appears.

    Note: If you entered a partial identification number or if the vehicle or customer you entered is not found, the Search window appears. For more information, see Entering Information on a Prequalifier Window.

  3. Update the registration information as necessary.

    Tip: For specific information about the individual fields on the window, press F1 in the window to open the online help or see Registration Renewal window.

  4. Click Pay Now.

    MOVRS checks for errors. If you need help resolving errors, see Errors, Discretionary Edits, and Warnings. When all errors are resolved or if no errors are found, the payment processing application opens.

    Note: If a registration is not renewed on or before the expiration date, on the following business day (excluding weekends and holidays), the system charges a penalty fee. On the first business day of each subsequent month that the registration renewal is delinquent, the system also charges the penalty fee. This fee appears as the Registration Penalty Fee on the financial receipt only and is not included as part of the registration receipt.

    Note: For a list of other processing options, see Transaction Processing Options.

  5. Enter the payment information.

    Tip: If you need specific help with the cash drawer, see the payment processing application documentation.

    After you finish processing the payment, the Finalize Transactions window appears.

  6. In the line of the transaction you completed, click Finalize.

    The Generate Credentials window appears.

  7. Click Generate.

    The documents produced in the transaction generate and print.

    Note: If you finalize multiple transactions at once, credentials are generated automatically.