Use the Create Followup window to create a follow-up message.
To open the Create Followup window:
The Work Management Control Panel window appears.
Create Followup window element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
To Queue |
Click to open the Send To Queue window and select one or more queues to send the message to. |
To User |
Click to open the Search User window and select one or more users to send the message to. The message appears in the user's personal queue. |
Send Copy to Me |
Click this check box to send a duplicate copy of the message to yourself. |
Attachments |
Click to specify the location of any file you want to associate with the message. The file must be in a location that can be accessed by the person(s) to whom you are sending the message; for example, a server or a shared drive. Enter the entire path to the file. For example: Where "server" is the name of the server, "folder" folder is the name of the folder, and so on. If you are unsure of the file's extension type (.txt, .doc, .xls, and so on), verify it with your system administrator before specifying it in the path. Once the location is specified in the Attachment field, either the file must not be moved or, if it is, its path must be updated in the Attachment field. Otherwise, the message recipients won't be able to find it. |
Priority |
Select the priority of the follow-up. |
Due Date |
Enter the date by which the receiver should act on the message. |
End Date |
Enter the end date when the correspondence should expire and be removed from all message queues in the system. |
Follow Up Message |
Type the message text. |
Create |
Click to send the follow-up message and close the window. |
Cancel |
Click to close the window without sending the follow-up message. |