Use the Customer Managed Plate window to administer customer managed plates in MOVRS, including plates assigned to dealers. Managed plates are usually assigned to the customer rather than assigned to the vehicle; for example, dealer plates, plates assigned to government fleets, and commemorative plates not used on a vehicle.
To open the Customer Managed Plate window:
The Search Customer Managed Plate window appears.
Customer Managed Plate window element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Search Criteria |
Displays the search criteria you entered in the Search Customer Managed Plate window. |
Undo |
Click to clear the information you entered. The information can only be reset prior to saving. |
Plate # |
Displays the assigned plate number. |
Plate Configuration |
Displays the type of plate, such as Courtesy, Dealer, Fleet, Sample, and so on. |
Sample |
Selected if the plate is a sample plate, such as a commemorative plate. Sample plates cannot be used on a vehicle. |
Customer # |
Displays the system-generated identification number assigned to the customer record. |
Customer Name/Address |
Displays the name and address of the customer associated with the plate. |
Disposition |
Displays the status of the plate, such as Damaged, Lost, Transfer, and so on. |
Disp Date |
Displays the date the status of the plate was added to the system. |
Created Date |
Displays the date on which the customer managed plate was created. |
Updated By |
Displays the name of the user who last updated the customer managed plate record. |
Updated Date |
Displays the date the customer managed plate record was last updated. |
Add |
Click to open the Add Customer Managed Plate window and add a customer managed plate to MOVRS. |
Save |
Click to save changes and close the window. |
Cancel |
Click to close the window without saving. |