Use the Vehicle Maintenance window to add and edit vehicle information.
The Vehicle Maintenance window appears when you click a VIN in a transaction window.
You can also open the window from the menu and the Search window:
The Search window appears.
The Vehicle Maintenance window is composed of the following:
[ Expand All | Collapse All ]
The common area at the top of this window displays basic information about the active vehicle. Likewise, the buttons on the bottom are for the window as a whole, regardless of which tab is showing.
Vehicle Maintenance window, common area element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Displays the vehicle identification number of the active vehicle. |
Click to open the Notes Management window and add or edit a note related to this vehicle. |
Click to refresh the window. |
Type |
Displays the type of the active vehicle. |
Year |
Displays the year of the active vehicle. |
Make |
Displays the make of the active vehicle. |
Model |
Displays the model of the active vehicle. |
Style |
Displays the style of the active vehicle. |
Color |
Displays the primary color of the active vehicle. |
View Document Image |
Click to display related documents. When the image appears you can print it or click cancel to close the image and return to the Vehicle Maintenance window. |
Search Similar Vehicles |
Appears when you add a new vehicle. Click to open the Similar Vehicle Search window and search the local state database or a VIN Decoding database for similar vehicles. This allows you to automatically populate many vehicle details. |
VINA Inquiry |
Appears when you view information for an existing vehicle. Click to open the View VINA/NMVTIS Results window to view VIN decoding and NMVTIS records that correspond to the vehicle. |
Save |
Click to save and close the window. |
Cancel |
Click to close the window without saving. |
Use this tab to enter or edit general vehicle information. Changes on this tab will be reflected on the corresponding tab when you save. Likewise, changes on any of the other tabs will be reflected on this tab after you save.
Vehicle Maintenance window, General tab element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Identification |
Description |
Odometer |
Review |
Use this tab to enter attribute information for motor vehicles and boats.
Vehicle Maintenance window, Attributes tab window element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Attributes |
Boat Information |
Color |
The data in this field group is populated automatically for archive purposes when changes are made to this information on the General tab.
If you are adding a vehicle, use this tab to enter the previous out-of-state or other previous owner information. If you are viewing information for an existing vehicle, use this tab to view the current title information. If the prior vehicle title or ownership was cancelled, the Add Ownership check box appears so you can add the previous owner information.
Vehicle Maintenance window, Ownership tab (for a new vehicle) window element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Add Ownership |
Appears if the previous title was cancelled. Select and add the previous out-of-state owner information. The information you add will appear as the prior owner on the new vehicle title. |
Originating Document |
Vehicle Maintenance window, Ownership tab (for an existing vehicle) window element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Ownership list |
Displays the last title for the vehicle. |
Add Ownership |
Appears if the prior title or ownership was cancelled. Select to display the prior owner fields to input the prior owner information from a more recent out-of-state title. This information will appear as the prior owner on the new title. |
Use this tab to view, edit, and add historical and current inspection information for the active vehicle.
Vehicle Maintenance window, Inspection tab element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Inspection Date |
The date when an inspection took place. |
Doc Xref # |
The inspection document reference number. |
Reason |
The reason for the corresponding inspection, such as Lost VIN. |
Status |
The status of the inspection; Fail or Pass. |
Comment |
Comments related to the corresponding row of vehicle information. |
Add Row |
Click to add an inspection to the vehicle. |
Delete Row |
Click to remove the selected inspection from the vehicle. You can delete an inspection only if it has not been saved with the vehicle. Once it has been saved, you must add an end date to remove it. |
Use this tab to view, edit, and add historical and current inspection information for the active vehicle.
Vehicle Maintenance window, Identification tab element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Identification Type |
Displays the vehicle identification type, such as Plate, VIN, or Title. |
Identification |
Displays the vehicle identification number. |
State |
Displays the vehicle state. |
Effective Date |
Displays the effective date of the identification. |
End Date |
Displays the end date of the identification. |
Use this tab to view, edit, and add vehicle designation information for the active vehicle, such as whether it was damaged in a flood or was reported stolen.
Vehicle Maintenance window, Designation tab element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Designation |
The descriptive NMVTIS or state label/brand currently or historically associated with the status of a vehicle, such as Junk, Salvage, Flood, and so on. |
Origin |
The entity that assigned the designation/brand to the vehicle. |
Orig Jurisdiction |
If the designation origin is out of state or NMVTIS, displays the specific state. |
Removal Reason |
Indicates why a designation/brand was withdrawn from the vehicle. |
Comment |
Any remarks regarding the vehicle. |
Effective Date |
The date when the corresponding designation became effective. |
End Date |
The date when the corresponding designation ended. If you enter an end date, the designation is saved in the vehicle history with the effective date and end date. |
Add Row |
Click to add a designation to the vehicle. |
Delete Row |
Click to remove the selected designation from the vehicle. You can delete a designation only if it has not been saved with the vehicle. Once it has been saved, you must add an end date to remove it. |
Use this tab to view, edit, and add historical and current characteristic information for the active vehicle.
Vehicle Maintenance window, Characteristic tab element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Characteristic |
A characteristic assigned to the vehicle, such as Boat, Commercial, Recreational, and so on. |
Effective Date |
The date on which the corresponding characteristic became effective. |
End Date |
The date on which the corresponding characteristic ended. If you enter an end date, the characteristic is saved in the vehicle history with the effective date and end date. |
Add Row |
Click to add a characteristic to the vehicle. |
Delete Row |
Click to remove the selected characteristic from the vehicle. You can delete a characteristic only if it has not been saved with the vehicle. Once it has been saved, you must add an end date to remove it. |
Use this tab to view, edit, and add historical and current bond information for the active vehicle.
Vehicle Maintenance window, Bond tab element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Bond # |
If the vehicle has a bond on it, displays the bond number. Bond information comes from Motor Carrier Service Bureau. |
Bond Holder |
Displays the name of the agency that issued the bond. |
Issuance Date |
Displays the date when the corresponding bond was issued. |
Expiration Date |
Displays the date when the corresponding bond expires. |
Effective Date |
The date when the corresponding bond became effective. |
End Date |
The date when the corresponding bond ended. If you enter an end date, the bond is saved in the vehicle history with the effective date and end date. |
Add Row |
Click to add a bond to the vehicle. |
Delete Row |
Click to remove the selected bond from the vehicle. You can delete a bond only if it has not been saved with the vehicle. Once it has been saved, you must add an end date to remove it. |
Use this tab to view a summary of all current and historical customer information on one screen. Changes on any of the other tabs will be reflected on this tab after you save.
Vehicle Maintenance window, Summary tab element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
As of Date |
Enter the date as of which you want to view the vehicle information. |
Type |
The type of the vehicle. |
The vehicle identification number. |
VIN Origin |
The origin of the VIN. |
Year |
The year of the vehicle. |
Make |
The make of the vehicle. |
Model |
The model of the vehicle. |
Extended Model |
The non-validated model information entered for the vehicle. |
Style |
The style of the vehicle. |
Effective Date |
The date on which the corresponding row of vehicle information became active. |
End Date |
The date on which the corresponding row of vehicle information was changed. |
Color 1 |
The primary color of the vehicle. |
Color 2 |
The secondary color of the vehicle. |
Color 3 |
The tertiary color of the vehicle. |
Custom Paint Description |
A description of any custom painting on the vehicle. |
Effective Date |
The date on which the corresponding row of vehicle information became active. |
End Date |
The date on which the corresponding row of vehicle information was changed. |
Attributes |
Extended Attributes |
Odometer |
Identification |
Ownership |
The ownership information is for the out-of-state customer who owned the vehicle prior to it being titled in-state.
Characteristics |
Designations |
Bonds |
Inspections |