Use the Refund Registration & Property Tax window to issue refunds for registration or property taxes due to the customer.
To open the Refund Registration & Property Tax window:
The Refund Registration & Property Tax Prequalifier window appears.
The Refund Registration & Property Tax window is composed of the following:
[ Expand All | Collapse All ]
The common area at the top of this window displays basic information about the active transaction. Likewise, the buttons on the bottom are for the window as a whole, regardless of which tab is showing.
Refund Registration & Property Tax window, common area element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Displays the vehicle identification number of the active vehicle. Click to open the Vehicle Maintenance window and view or edit vehicle details. |
Click to open the Notes Management window and add or edit a note related to this vehicle. |
Click to refresh the window. |
Vehicle |
Displays the year, make, and model of the active vehicle. |
Reg |
Displays the current registration period for the active vehicle. |
Veh Type |
Displays the kind of vehicle, such as Passenger, Rugged Terrain, Van, and so on. |
Usage/Tons |
Displays the vehicle usage and weight. |
Location |
Select the location through which you want to process the transaction. The locations that you can select are limited based on your user login. |
Set |
To save the transaction in an existing set containing other transactions, select the set number. Otherwise, select New Set. |
Capture Signature |
Click to open the Customer Signatures window, where you can specify which customer is signing and launch the electronic signature software. The signature captured will be associated with both the transaction and the customer record. |
Validate |
Click to check the transaction information for errors and discretionary edits. If any are found, the Error Worksheet window appears. Otherwise, a message appears notifying you that the transaction validated successfully. |
Commit |
Click to submit the refund request. |
Pay Later |
Inactive. |
Hold |
Click to save the transaction to complete it later. You can recall held transactions using the Payment Manager - Transactions window. |
Revert |
Click to revert the window information to the values that appeared when it opened. |
Cancel |
Click to close the window without saving. |
Use this tab to view the customer, vehicle, and registration information associated with the customer to whom you are issuing a refund.
Refund Registration & Property Tax window, Application tab element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Received Date |
Select or enter the processing date for the transaction. |
Renewal Customer |
Displays the renewal customer. |
Reason |
Displays the reason for the transaction, such as Renewal. |
Tracking # |
Displays the tracking number of the vehicle. |
Fleet # |
Displays the fleet number of the vehicle. |
Replace Plate Fee |
Displays whether a plate fee was charged. |
Registration |
Customer |
Refund Information |
Use this tab to view and adjust fees related to this transaction.
Refund Registration & Property Tax window, Fee Detail tab element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Fee Type |
Displays the kind of each fee, such as Registration Fee. |
Comment |
Displays more information about the corresponding fee. |
Annual Fee |
Displays the yearly cost of the corresponding fee, if the fee is annual. |
Fee Amount |
Displays the actual dollar amount of the corresponding fee. |
Adjustment |
Displays the amount of any changes made to the corresponding fee. |
Add Adjustment |
Inactive. |
Total |
Displays the total fee amount and adjustments for all listed rows. |
Amount Due |
Displays the total fee amount when adjustments are included. |
Use this tab to view taxes related to this transaction.
Refund Registration & Property Taxes window, Taxes tab element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Class Code |
Displays a three-digit identifier representing the value of the vehicle based on MSRP. |
Mill Levy Rate |
The current assessed property tax rate. |
Property Tax Exemption |
If the vehicle qualifies for an exemption, select the exemption reason. |
Current Year Tax |
The current years calculated tax on the vehicle. |
Prior Year Tax |
The previous years calculated tax on the vehicle. |
Prior Year Interest |
Displays any penalty interest accrued if the prior year taxes were delinquent. |
Total Due |
The total amount due from the customer |
Tax Unit |
Displays the numerical code of the tax unit (geographical area) used to calculate taxes for residents of that area. |
Prior Mill Levy Rate |
The previous assessed property tax rate. |
Use this tab to review the mailing addresses of each customer associated with the vehicle and to specify mailing instructions.
Refund Registration & Property Tax window, Mailing tab element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Customer ID |
Displays the primary identification number for each customer and security interest holder that is associated with the vehicle. |
ID Type |
Displays the identification type that corresponds to the customer identification number, such as Drivers License. |
Legal Name |
Displays the name of each customer and security interest holder that is associated with the vehicle. |
Residency Address |
Displays the primary address for each customer and security interest holder that is associated with the vehicle. |
Date of Birth |
Displays the birth date for each customer who is associated with the vehicle. |
Relationship |
Displays the relationship of each customer and security interest holder with the vehicle. |
Priority |
Displays the priority of each customer and security interest holder in relation to the other customers who have the same association with the vehicle. |
Ownership Status |
Applies only to owners and transfer on death designees. If there is more than one customer listed in a category, this field displays whether the relationship between the listed customers, in relation to the vehicle, is and or or. If it is and, then both customers must be involved in transactions regarding the vehicle. If it is or, then one customer or the other can be involved in transactions regarding the vehicle. This field applies only to the customer to whom it is assigned and the one immediately after. For this reason, a value for this field is not assigned to the final listed customer. For more information about the Ownership Status field, see Understanding Ownership Status. Note that priority becomes irrelevant when the customer's ownership status is set to or. |
Security Interest Tracking Number |
Displays a unique number assigned by the security interest holder to reference the lien on this vehicle. |
Vested Party Release Reason Type ID |
Displays the reason the security interest was released, if applicable. |
Security Interest Type ID |
Displays the type of security interest relationship. |
Security Interest Mailing Address ID |
Displays the mailing address information for the security interest record. |
Name Changed |
Select to indicate the name has changed. |
Name ID |
Displays the correct name at the time of title. This ensures that the name on the title matches the name on the registration, regardless of any names changes that may have occurred in the system. |
Mailing Instructions |
Use this tab to review the documents required for the transaction or to add a document presented by the customer to support the transaction.
Refund Registration & Property Tax window, Documents tab element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Required |
Displays a check mark if the corresponding document is mandatory for completing the transaction. |
Received |
Select to indicate the customer presented the corresponding document to support the transaction. |
Document Description |
Displays an explanation of any documents required for the transaction, such as Bill of Sale, Damage Disclosure Statement, or Ownership Document. If you add a new document, select the appropriate description. |
Document Reference # |
Enter the reference number for the supporting document. |
Comment |
Enter a remark about the document. For example, you might use this field to indicate the required document was received and on file. |
Scanned |
Select to indicate that the document has been scanned. |
Scan Later |
Select to indicate that the document will be scanned later. |
Remove Document |
Click to remove the selected document from this transaction. |
Scan |
Click to scan a document for this transaction. |
Scan All Later |
Click to indicate the documents for this transaction will be scanned at a later time. The system places a check mark in the Scan Later box for the documents that have been marked as received. When the transaction is finalized, the system generates an image cover sheet which contains a bar code related to this transaction. You can use this image cover sheet to collect and organize the documents that are designated to be scanned at a later time. |
Add |
Click to insert a line to add a supporting document. |
Use this tab to view details of each segment of the registration.
Refund Registration & Property Tax window, Registration Detail tab element descriptions
Window element |
Usage |
Registration Decals |
Registration Plates |
Renewal Preference |